User Guide 1.0

Jekyll has the global config variable permalink which sets a permalink style for every page, post, and collection. PHP files will now adhere to the permalink style.


When using Composer, Jekyll PHP can help steamline the process when building the site. It will exclude the appropriate files and install Composer production-ready when building your site for production.

There are two ways to specify a production build. The first is using environments and setting JEKYLL_ENV=production. The second option is to add a environment variable to your global config file and set it to production.

Composer should already be installed in the root directory of your site, so it should contain composer.json, composer.lock, and vendor/. When the building environment is anything but production, it will simply use what is already installed into vendor/. When the building environment is production, it will use composer.json and composer.lock to install Composer for production, which basically means installing Composer with certain flags. Below lists all of the variables that may be changed in the global config file and their default values.

Name Type Default Value Description
environment String development The build environment (development, production, etc)
composer Boolean true Whether the Composer helper should run
composer_output Boolean false Whether to log the output from Composer
composer_command String composer install The command to run to install Composer for production
composer_flags Array [no-ansi, no-dev, no-interaction, no-plugins, no-progress, no-scripts, optimize-autoloader] The flags to add to the composer_command